whosoever puts his trust in Allâh then Allâh will suffice him

I could, so you can too
whosoever puts his trust in Allâh then Allâh will suffice him

My name is Mehdi Saraghi and I live in Iran.I am very interested in studying and researching on the quality of life, the mysteries of
happiness, sociology, anthropology and so on.My goal in creating this blog is to collect and provide usefulcontent on these topics.My purpose of creating this blog is to collect and provide useful content on the mentioned topics. Given the importance of sexual issues in
enhancing the quality of marital life, I have collected and presented the first article in this regard and hope to receive some attention.
I and then.



You can email me if you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions.

My Email adress is msoraghi9450@gmail.com

My phone number is +989362601139 or +989194671095 for Whats App And Telegram